Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Foundation of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

Question: Discuss about the foundation of student non-violent coordinating committee? Answer: The Foundation of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was laid down on the base of the Civil Movement that took place in the 19th century. This movement was basically a mass popular movement to assure the Africans and the Americans equal rights and oppurtunities. This movement was mainly concentrated in the South of America. The Civil Movement was against the torture that being done on the blacks in America. Some of the major movements that SNCC took part in was Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides, a leading role in the march at Washington, Mississippi Freedom summer and the Mississippi Democratic Party for the next few years. Arranging and collocating sit-ins at anti-semitism segregated lunch stalls to dissent the pervadingness of Jim Crow and other types of racism were their main adopted roles. These sit-ins organized by the SNCC played a vital role in changing decision of the court and to expand the clause to cover acts of private discrimination (Bates). These sit-ins were being expanded to other local places like public parks, swimming pools, movie theatres etc. The facilities that were sponsored by taxes were closed to the Blacks and the responses of the Whites were at all point negative. After the experience of the SNCCs members with COFO and Mississippi Freedom Summer, it strengthened their antipathy towards the white liberals. Also one of the most remarkable incident that almost dragged the SNCC members towards breaking down of the group was the murder of Sammy Younge Jr. He was the first college going guy who was murdered for being involved in the civil movement. This particular incident left a black patch in the hearts of the SNCC members. The murder of this Black by a White supremacist and the immediate acquittal of the murderer created disenchantment in the group towards the protection of the federal government. Slowly differences cropped in among the group member (King). Few believed that this movement of non-violence would bring peace in the country while others believed that violence is the only answer to violence. Democratic Convention in 1964 marked the dissolution of unity in the group and hence set forth two different groups from there. From the evidences collected, Im of opinion that SNCC should adopt a militant approach in this civil movement of America as it should be structured in the manner that the only language for violence is violence. From the evidences wherein the speech of different people have been gathered, it is quite evident that most of the people werent satisfied with the results of the non-violent movement (Payrow Shabani). Martin Luther in his opinion says that Non-Violence only creates crisis, it doesnt seed out any positive changes into the society (Scholastic Teachers). The SNCC should frame a policy to give assurance to people that they can eradicate the problems out from the society only if they provide support. It should also take up guns in hand to shoot offenders who are creating terror, as good words are not meant for evil spirits. References: Bates, Denise E.The Other Movement. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2012. Print. King, Gilbert.Devil In The Grove. New York: Harper, 2012. Print. Payrow Shabani, Omid. 'The Green's Non-Violent Ethos: The Roots Of Non-Violence In The Iranian Democratic Movement'.CONSTELLATIONS20.2 (2013): 347-360. Web. Scholastic Teachers,. 'Civil Rights Movement: An Overview | Scholastic.Com'. N.p., 2015. Web. 20 June 2015.

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